What I Learned Whilst In London
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Points #4 and 5Learning is a social activity. To what extent do we recognize that people learn as they speak and interact with each other? In evaluating an interactive exhibit at the Boston Museum of Science in which people could get information through a variety of modalities---they could read labels, listen to tapes, smell animal smells, touch animal mounts and manipulate interactive exhibit components-- -we noted that individual visitors preferred different learning modes. In family groups, the conversations became more democratic, and involved more members after all these modalities were installed, as family members shared, discussed and confirmed what each had learned while perusing his or her preferred modality.
Significant harm of a sibling group whilst in the care of their parents. All children were taken into care.Learning: five priority findings emerged including: loss of clarity about the appointment of a Lead Professional resulted in lack of coordinated overview of children's needs; assumption that giving and receiving information equates to communicating which can lead to misunderstandings about the current assessment of children's situations; tendency to restrict evidence of children's experience to what they say, which results in missed cues and the privileging of the voices and views of adults; some services for adults take insufficient account of children connected to their clients and thereby fail to identify risks to their wellbeing and safety.Recommendations: There are no recommendations but the review raises a number of questions for the Child Protection Committee relating to each learning point.Methodology used: SCIE's Learning Together model.Keywords: voice of the child, child protection, assessment, child neglect> Read the overview report 2b1af7f3a8